Monday, August 29, 2016

Recommended Ensemble Singers in the Seattle area

A recommended list of ensemble singers that I have contracted for recording sessions and concerts with the Byrd Ensemble. 

Erika Chang
Rebekah Gilmore
Maria Mannisto
Margaret Obenza
Danielle Sampson
Christina Siemens
Linda Strandberg
Brenna Wells

Joshua Haberman
Jessica Martin
Sarra Sharif

Orrin Doyle
David Hendrix
Kurt Kruckeberg

Ben Grover
Peter Lifland
Willimark Obenza
Andrew Payne
Thomas Thompson
Jonathan Silvia
David Stutz

1 comment:

  1. check out the Epiphany Evensong for today, 3rd Sunday of Advent 2O2O...

    (I did a Google search while posting about it on Twittermachine...)

    (former Trinity family here; we jumped to Epiphany due to there being lots of kids there, upon recco from retiring Fr. Paul Collins)

